About IRRT



To promote interest in library issues and librarianship worldwide; to help coordinate international activities within the American Library Association, serving as a liaison between the International Relations Committee and those members of the Association interested in international relations; to develop programs and activities which further the international objectives of ALA; and to provide hospitality and information to visitors from abroad.


The International Relations Round Table (IRRT), a membership unit within the American Library Association (ALA), was established by the ALA Council in 1949 as the Round Table on Library Service Abroad.

Initiatives & Projects

Free Links Program - An IRRT Emerging Leaders Project Providing Access to Free Professional Development Opportunities for ALA members around the world.

IRRT Blog - Please contribute. If you want to post please contact Joan Weeks at: jwee[@]loc.gov.

IRRT's Endowment - To celebrate the richness of relationships developed over the years between U.S. librarians and other colleagues abroad, the IRRT leadership embarked on a Sixty for Sixty campaign to create an IRRT endowment.

About IRRT

Join IRRT!

Membership Information

Printable Brochure with application form (opens in a new window)

Volunteer on a committee

International Sustainable Library Development Interest Group (ISLD) in the News!

We are pleased that this issue of Colorando Libraries has an article about ISLD entitled, "Catch the International Library Development Bug at ALA: It is Highly Contagious." This issue also contains articles about library development in Ethiopia, Nicaragua, and Nigeria as well as about Sister Libraries, and why one might wish to participate in IFLA.


Featured websites of the month

  • Global Studies E-Journal now available: Global e (opens in a new window)

Communicate with the IRRT

Related Links

Library Employment and Foreign Credentials

International Associations, Organizations and Conferences

International Awards, Grants, and Exchanges

International Donation and Shipment of Books

Campaign for the Worlds Libraries (opens in a new window)

ALA International Relations Committee

ALA International Relations Planning Document 2007-2011

ALA International Relations Office

Sister Libraries Initiative