Book & Media Lists

2024 Morris Award Winner
The William C. Morris YA Debut Award, first given in 2009, honors a book published by a first-time author writing for teens and celebrating impressive new voices in young adult literature.
This year's winner is "Rez Ball", written by Bryon Graves and published by Heartdrum, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
“Rez Ball impressed us with its authentic voice, well-developed characters and exciting action scenes as it explored grief, prejudice, friendships, family and community.” said Morris Award Chair Kim Keown Farnsworth.
Selected Book & Media Lists
Amazing Audiobooks
Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults highlights the best audiobook recordings of the past two years. Find more information, including previous lists, policies and procedures, and how to nominate a title.
Best Fiction for Young Adults
The Best Fiction for Young Adults list honors the best fiction books published for teens each year.
Great Graphic Novels
Great Graphic Novels for Teens is a list of recommended graphic novels and illustrated nonfiction for those ages 12-18, prepared yearly by YALSA. Visit YALSA's
Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers
NON-FICTION Cosmo Girl Quiz Book: Discover Your Personality. Sterling , 2005. 1-58816-489-6.Are you obsessed with taking quizzes about yourself and your life? Here
Teens' Top Ten
Teens' Top Ten select * from auth_books order by id Select upto three books to vote for then hit the "Vote" button. 0 books selected
Past Lists (currently inactive)
Fabulous Films for Young Adults
The purpose of this list is to identify for collection developers a body of films relating to a theme that will appeal to young adults
Outstanding Books for the College Bound
The books on this list offer opportunities to discover new ideas, and provide an introduction to the fascinating variety of subjects within an academic discipline
Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults
To encourage young adults to read for pleasure by presenting to them lists of popular or topical titles which are widely available in paperback and
Readers' Choice
*Beginning in February 2017, YALSA will launch the new Teen Book Finder Database, which will be a one-stop shop for finding selected lists and award
Use & Reproduction of YALSA's Awards & Lists
YALSA’s lists of recommended reading may be reproduced under "fair use" standards. As stated in Section 107 of The Copyright Act of 1976, factors to be considered shall include:
- The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
- The nature of the copyrighted work;
- The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole.
More Ways to Promote Teen Reading
Additional Collection Development & Reading Resources
Find more collection development resources on our wiki.
YALSA is part of the American Library Association, which develops additional recommended reading resources of interest to library staff, educators and afterschool providers who serve teens:
- ALA administers the Schneider Family Book Award.
- The Association for Library Service to Children administers book awards and creates lists of recommended reading for pre-school and elementary aged youth, which can be accessed on their web site:
- Book and media awards for children
- Notable Lists for Children
- ALSC and REFORMA administer the Pura Belpre Award.
- ALA's Ethnic & Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table administers the Coretta Scott King Award.
- ALA's Rainbow Round Table administers the Rainbow List.
- ALA's Social Responsibilities Round Table administers the Amelia Bloomer Book List.