Call for ALA Committee Volunteers for 2025-2027
ALA Members are invited to volunteer for ALA standing committees for the 2025-2027 term. Serving on an ALA standing committee provides members with opportunities to: Gain valuable professional development and leadership experience Make an impact on key...

Sam Helmick chosen 2024-2025 American Library Association president-elect
The American Library Association Council decided on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, that Sam Helmick will be the 2024-2025 president-elect effective immediately.

Hohl inaugurated 2024-2025 ALA president
Cindy Hohl, director of policy analysis and operational support at Kansas City (Mo.) Public Library, was inaugurated ALA President for 2024-2025 on Tuesday, July 2, at the ALA Annual Conference in San Diego.

ALA Nominating Committee seeks ALA President-elect, ALA Treasurer, & ALA Councilor at Large candidates for 2025 election
ALA Nominating Committee seeks ALA President-elect, ALA Treasurer, & ALA Councilor at Large candidates for 2025 election

Strengthening library ecosystems using One Voice
CHICAGO — A patron of one library is the potential patron of any other library at a different time of life or location. And though each library serves its own unique community, when different kinds of libraries speak together with one voice, the entire...

American Library Association President Emily Drabinski to embark on cross country library tour
American Library Association President Emily Drabinski will tour the country this June to highlight the contributions of American libraries to their communities.

Claudette McLinn elected 2024-2025 ALSC vice-president/president-elect
Claudette McLinn, EdD, Executive Director, Center for the Study of Multicultural Children’s Literature, Simi Valley, California, has been elected vice president/president-elect of the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association (ALA). She will begin her term as president-elect in July 2024 and assume the presidency in July 2025 for a one-year term.

Kordeliski Elected 2025-2026 AASL President
The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) has announced the results of its 2024 election. Members elected Amanda Kordeliski, Director of Libraries and Instructional Technology for Norman Public Schools in Oklahoma, as the 2024-2025 President-Elect. She will serve as the AASL President during the 2025-2026 term and immediate Past President in 2026-2027.

Brad Warren elected vice-president/president-elect
Brad Warren, Dean of Libraries at Augusta University, has been elected ACRL Vice-President/President-Elect. Warren will become president-elect in July 2024 and assume the presidency in July 2025 for a one-year term.

Pun wins 2025-2026 ALA presidency
Raymond Pun, Academic and Research Librarian at the Alder Graduate School of Education in California has been elected 2024-2025 president-elect of the American Library Association (ALA).
American Library Association 2024 Election Opens
The American Library Association (ALA) election polls open on Monday, March April 11, 2024. ALA members are encouraged to cast a digital ballot to vote for association-wide leadership that will shape the future and direction of the association. ALA’s annual election will close on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time.
ALA announces slate of petition council candidates for 2024 election
CHICAGO - The American Library Association (ALA) announces that the following individuals have filed petitions for the Councilor-at-Large position on the ALA Council for the 2024 ALA Election: Mario Gonzalez Executive Director Passaic Public Library...

Helmick, Pun Seek American Library Association Presidency for 2025-26 Term
CHICAGO – The American Library Association (ALA) Nominating Committee has selected two nominees to run for ALA president in the upcoming election. The candidates running for the 2025-26 term are Sam Helmick, Community & Access Services Coordinator at Iowa...
ALA Nominating Committee seeks ALA President-elect & ALA Councilor at Large candidates for 2024 election
The American Library Association (ALA) thrives thanks to the energy, diversity, and commitment of its members and leaders. The Nominating Committee encourages members to consider serving the association in various leadership positions. The association...

Lappin and Schneider appointed to ALA Executive Board
Amy Lappin and Karen Schneider have been appointed by the American Library Association (ALA) Executive Board to fill two newly created vacant seats on the board. The vacant seats were formed upon adoption of the recently revised ALA Bylaws, which allows...

Calzada Elected 2024-2025 AASL President
CHICAGO – Becky Calzada, Library Services Coordinator in the Leander Independent School District (ISD) based in Leander, Texas, has been elected the 2023-2024 president-elect of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL). She will serve as the...

AASL Opens Call For Knowledge Quest and School Library Research Editorial Board Members
CHICAGO – The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) seeks a dynamic group of school library professionals to serve on the Knowledge Quest ( KQ) and School Library Research ( SLR) Editorial Boards. These publications move the profession forward...

Hohl, Suess Seek American Library Association Presidency for 2024-25 Term
CHICAGO — The American Library Association (ALA) Nominating Committee has selected two nominees to contend in the upcoming election for ALA president. The candidates vying for the 2024-25 term are Cindy Hohl, director of policy analysis and operational...
American Library Association (ALA) Condemns Proposed State Legislation Limiting Access to Information on Reproductive Health
The Executive Board of the American Library Association (ALA) issued the following statement in response to proposed state legislation that would censor library materials or put at risk library workers who provide access to information, including...

ALA Condemns Destruction of Libraries, Schools, and Cultural Institutions in Ukraine
CHICAGO -- On June 25, 2022, the American Library Association (ALA) Council passed a resolution condemning the enormous damage and destruction of Ukrainian cultural resources resulting from the continued occupation of Ukraine by the Russian Federation...