Outreach Initiatives

The ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services (ODLOS)( administers and partners on programs and initiatives that support our mission.

The ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services (ODLOS) administers and partners on programs and initiatives that support our mission.

Outreach Toolkits

ODLOS partners with member groups to create outreach toolkits that target an underserved population. These toolkits are free to download (PDF) and print copies may be available on request.


These inclusive booklists were created by various American Library Association groups and ethnic affiliates. The booklists highlight diverse voices including racial diversity and orientation and can be used in the classroom and when ordering collections. There are many booklists in the world that are categorized by topic, but these booklists ensure that underrepresented voices are being heard as well.


Our blog, Intersections, highlights the work of library and information science workers as they create safe, responsible, and all-inclusive spaces that serve and represent the entire community, as well as initiatives and projects supported by the office that promotes their work. Members are encouraged to submit blog posts related to EDI by email diversity@ala.org.


On the third Thursday of each month, the Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services sends out a monthly e-Newsletter, called EDI Update, to our member groups, including the ODLOS Advisory Committee, the Committee on Diversity, the Committee on Literacy, the Rural, Native, and Tribal Libraries of All Kinds Committee (RNTLOAK), as well as to the executive officers of the Ethnic Affiliates of ALA, the Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services, and the Association for Rural and Small Libraries. We also distribute the newsletter to the three ALA Round Tables that ODLOS liaises with, including the Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table (EMIERT), the Rainbow Round Table (Rainbow RT), and the Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT).

Libraries RespondEDI Update Newsletter

How is your library responding to current events? Tweet and post on social media using the #librariesrespond hashtag. See how others libraries have responded on the Libraries Respond page.


Please feel free to contact our office by emailing diversity@ala.org. Libraries%20Respond%20Header