READCON: A Curriculum for Library Readiness, Advocacy, and Community Empowerment During Challenging Conditions

Join us as we discuss ways to proactively build relationships with your community. Building on the Get Ready Stay Ready Toolkit, the IMLS-funded READCON project is a curriculum equipping library workers, Trustees, and Friends of the Library groups with skills to partner with their communities more effectively for advocacy. Learn about this highly adaptable, open-source learning tool developed by experts in academic, public, and school librarianship, education and family law, crisis communications, community advocacy and relations, and youth leadership. Find out how the curriculum can help library workers, Trustees, and Friends engage in constructive dialogue on potentially divisive aspects of library programming, service, and material challenges.
Learning Objectives
- Explore the crisis communications and community dialogue aspects of READCON to empower library workers, Trustees, and Friends to de-escalate confrontation situations and build trust with and between members of diverse communities.
- Identify the best methods for adapting and implementing the professional development modules to their unique setting and needs.
- Develop a plan to share the learning tools for teens with teens in their communities.
Valerie Byrd-Fort, Instructor, University of South Carolina in the School of Information Science
Dr. April Dawkins, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Dr. Lucy Santos Green, Professor and Director, School of Library and Information Science at the University of Iowa
About Learning Live
United for Libraries Learning Live sessions take place on the second Tuesday of each month* at 2 p.m. Eastern Time. Each month’s session will cover a hot topic of interest to Trustees, Friends and/or Foundations, followed by Q&A and/or discussions. Sessions are open to all personal members of United for Libraries and those with statewide access.
*Learning Live is not held in August due to United for Libraries Virtual: Trustees, Friends, Foundations.
How to Register
United for Libraries Personal Members & Statewide Partners
United for Libraries Personal Members
Statewide Partners (MA, MD, MI, ND, NE, OR, SC, SD, and VA)
Non-members may purchase a one-year subscription to Learning Live, which includes live attendance and on-demand access to 11 webinars over a 12-month period* beginning with the month of purchase.
Some Learning Live sessions are available for standalone purchase.