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ALA History
During the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876, 103 librarians (90 men and 13 women) responded to a call for a "Convention of Librarians" to be held October 4-6 at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. The aim of the Association, in that resolution, was "to enable librarians to do their present work more easily and at less expense." Attendees came from as far west as Chicago and from England.
According to Ed Holley in his essay "ALA at 100," at the end of the meeting "the register was passed around for all to sign who wished to become charter members," making October 6, 1876 the birthday of the American Library Association.
Among those in attendance at the meeting were Justin Winsor (Boston Public, Harvard), William Frederick Poole (Chicago Public, Newberry), Charles Ammi Cutter (Boston Athenaeum), Melvil Dewey (Amherst), and Richard Rogers Bowker (Publisher's Weekly).
(Image: American Library Association Campaigns - Drive for books for WWI fighters. March 18, 1918 . Photo shows a number of girls each with a pile of books wending her way into the Public Library Building, New York, where they left books to be sent to camps. This campaign for books was started by the American Library Association. [National Archives and Records])