Education & Careers
Continuing Education for Library Professionals
Visit ALA eLearning to browse or search the comprehensive catalog of continuing education opportunities from across ALA's divisions.
Here you'll find all online courses, live and recorded webinars, discussions, panels, workshops, and more, for library and information workers in all types of libraries and related organizations.
Job Search Resources
JobList Placement and Career Development Center is ALA's online job board and career center for positions in library and information science and technology.
Here, job seekers can search hundreds of current library job openings, confidentially upload resumes for consideration, research employers, and find career advice. Employers can post jobs, search for potential candidates in the resume bank, and save promising candidates. Search by organization type, job type, location, and more.
Career Development

Career Development Resource Guide
ALA's Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR) publishes this comprehensive Career Development Resources Guide, covering such topics as job search strategies, library workplace types and positions, self-marketing, resume and cover letter tips, interviewing, salary negotiation, and much more. The Guide is a rich source of information and advice for both established library professionals and recent graduates.

Mentoring Resources
Mentoring benefits both the new librarian and the experienced professional as each learns from the insights and perspectives of the other. Divisions, Sections and Round Tables all run mentoring programs. Learn how you can be involved!
Quick Links
- ALSC Mentoring Program seeks to match individuals with an interest in library service to children.
- YALSA’s virtual mentoring program pairs an experienced librarian with a new librarian or graduate student in a Library Science program.
- LLAMA Mentoring Committee plans, implements, and oversees an ongoing LLAMA mentoring program.
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table Buddy Program pairs an active member of the round table with a new or perspective GLBTRT member, as well as any member becoming active for the first time or after a long absence.

ALA Emerging Leaders Program
Emerging Leaders enables newer library workers from across the country to participate in problem-solving work groups, network with peers, gain an inside look into ALA structure, and have an opportunity to serve the profession in a leadership capacity. It puts participants on the fast track to ALA committee volunteerism as well as other professional library-related organizations.

ALA is an incredibly rich and varied organization and offers something for everyone, whether you want to get involved with colleagues who work in the same kind of library, network with members who share your interests, find a forum to discuss key issues, or work on specific projects. ALA carries out its work through committees and subcommittees, Divisions, Round Tables, and several other types of volunteer groups. Find out which ones are right for you!

Become a Librarian
What is your passion? Are you fascinated by art, biology, business, technology? Combine your passion with a desire to help others and become a librarian!
Learn about different types of libraries, trends in library positions, education requirements, salaries, and more.
Shop Career Resources

ALA Scholarships
ALA and its units provide more than $300,000 annually for studies toward master's degrees in library and information science.

ALA Accredited Programs
Accreditation assures quality, innovation, and value in library and information studies education. Find out more about . . .
- our accreditation process, including resources for reviewers and administrators
- schools that offer accredited Master's degrees programs in library and information science
- guidelines for choosing a school and program