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ALSC offers numerous and varied resources that support professional development, can enhance programs and services in the library, and facilitate professional networking.
ALSC books, serial publications, white papers, social media platforms, book lists, and products support youth services staff in being the best they can be!
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ALSC is committed to creating quality professional development experiences, both in-person and online, and resources that cover best practices for individuals serving libraries and families; early literacy initiatives and programming; and more.

ALSC toolkits provide valuable resources compiled around specific topics of special interest to youth services staff.

Through its initiatives, ALSC builds awareness, resources, and community around topics from advocacy to early literacy to diversity in children's literature.
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To connect, communicate, share, and build relationships with members, ALSC maintains a presence in a variety of social media and online platforms.
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ALSC Book and Media Awards Shelf
This collection of more than 2,000 books, recordings, apps, and websites for children spans 100 years, reflecting the evolution of ALSC’s awards history AND delivering the latest, greatest materials for contemporary readers, listeners, learners, and gamers, as well.