Officers & Executive Board
Executive Board
The Officers of the Association shall be a president; a president-elect, a treasurer; and an executive director. The executive director serves as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the Executive Board and the Council.
The Executive Board shall act for the Council in the administration of established policies and programs, and shall report on its activities at the scheduled Council meeting following any such activity. The Executive Board has fiduciary responsibility for the Association, manages the affairs of the Association, and delegates management of the day-to-day operations to the executive director. The Executive Board shall make recommendations to the Council with respect to matters of policy.
contact a member of the Executive Board
Current Executive Board & Officers
ALA Executive Officers
Cindy Hohl
Kansas City Public Library
Kansas City, MO

Sam Helmick
Iowa City Public Library
Iowa City, IA
Emily Drabinski
Queens College GSLIS
Brooklyn, NY
Peter Hepburn
College of the Canyons
Santa Clarita, CA
Interim Executive Director
Leslie Burger
ALA Headquarters
Chicago, IL
ALA Executive Board Members
Term 2022-25
Kathy Carroll
Westwood High School
Blythewood, SC

Sara Dallas
Southern Adirondack Library
Saratoga Springs, NY
Term 2023-25
Amy Lappin
Lebanon Public Libraries
Lebanon, NH
Karen Schneider
Sonoma State University Library
Rohnert Park, CA
Term 2023–26
Stephanie Chase
Libraries of Eastern Oregon
Portland, OR
Steven Yates
School of Library and Information Studies
Tuscaloosa, AL
Sophia Sotilleo
Thurgood Marshall Library
Bowie, MD
Term 2024–27
Nicolas (Nick) Buron
Queens Public Library
Jamaica, NY
Dr. Corinthia Price
The Green Vale School
Brookville, NY
Peter Coyl
Sacramento Public Library
Sacramento, CA
Related Documents
Executive Board Job Description (PDF)
ALA President and Executive Director Roles & Responsibilities (PDF)