ALA Publishing
Our Mission
ALA Publishing & Media provides all library employees a comprehensive, one-stop resource for print and digital materials dedicated to professional development, improving library services, and the promotion of libraries, literacy, and reading. All Net Revenues from subscriptions and product purchases are invested in the financial support of ALA’s goals and initiatives.
Imprints, Initiatives & Projects

ALA Editions | ALA Neal-Schuman
ALA Editions and ALA Neal-Schuman publish books and ebooks used worldwide by tens of thousands of library and information professionals, scholars, students, and educators to improve programs, build on best practices, enhance pedagogy, make informed technology decisions, develop leadership, and for personal professional development.

ALA Digital Reference
ALA Digital Reference provides native digital resources to support the work of librarians. RDA Toolkit, the primary product of Digital Reference, is a subscription website that is the best way to interact with RDA: Resource Description and Access, an international standard that facilitates and advances the creation and exchange of bibliographic data.
RDA is owned by RDA Copyright Holders—the American Library Association, the Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and Facet Publishing (the publishing arm of CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in the UK), and is maintained and developed through the cooperation of an international group of cataloguing professionals.

ALA Graphics
ALA Graphics has been producing unique posters, bookmarks, and promotional items in support of libraries, literacy, and reading since 1975. Home of the iconic Celebrity READ® poster campaign and exclusive art from award-winning children’s book illustrators, ALA Graphics is also the official source of promotional materials for National Library Week, Library Card Sign-up Month, and Banned Books Week among other events. ALA Graphics’ ancillary print-on-demand gift shop ( features a wide selection of clothing, accessories, gifts, and more.

American Libraries
American Libraries, the magazine of the American Library Association, offers a suite of print and electronic publications, appearing 6 times per year in print as well as the weekly e-newsletter AL Direct; a monthly podcast, Call Number; the streaming webinar AL Live; and daily updates on and social media platforms. Since 1907 when the original ALA Bulletin was launched, American Libraries has kept readers informed in print and (increasingly) online, keeping library and information science and technology workers in touch with the profession’s most current concerns.

Booklist Publications
Booklist is the book review magazine of the American Library Association, considered an essential collection development and readers’-advisory tool by thousands of librarians since 1905. Subscriptions to Booklist include full access to Booklist Online, which includes digital editions of Booklist, a growing archive of 200,000+ reviews published since 1990, as well as a wealth of free features, webinars, Booklist’s Shelf Care Podcast, and the latest news and views on books and media. Booklist subscribers also receive Booklist’s magazine for library patrons, Booklist Reader, digitally (Booklist Reader in print is available for an additional fee), and Book Links, which connects books to classroom curricula.
Oversight Group
George Kendall
Interim Director,
ALA Publishing & Media
Sanhita SinhaRoy
Editor & Publisher,
American Libraries
George Kendall
Editor & Publisher,
Booklist Publications
Angela Gwizdala
Publisher, ALA Editions |
ALA Neal-Schuman
James Hennelly
Digital Reference
Rachel Johnson
ALA Graphics
Mary Jo Bolduc
Licensing & Permissions Manager
Tim Clifford
ALA Production Services