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How You Can Participate
YALSA has dozens of ways for its members and supporters to get involved, including many options for virtual participation. Whether you choose to volunteer to gain additional leadership opportunities, build your resume, increase exposure in the association or library community, or give back to the profession, YALSA relies on you to help support the association and make a positive difference in serving teens through libraries.
Quick Links
- Interested in getting involved? Start here!
- Find volunteer opportunities in our weekly email newsletter, YALSA eNews.
- Watch a video about ways to get involved with YALSA.
- Check out our Google Calendar of upcoming events.

One Way to Donate: Become a Friend of YALSA
Friends of YALSA was created in 2005 to ensure excellence in the Association's traditional programs and services to library workers serving teens. Each year, FOY funds are used to support over $16,000 in member scholarships, grants and stipends, including a Spectrum Scholarship and Emerging Leader. When additional FOY funds become available, YALSA's Board also directs FOY funds to support programs in advocacy, continuous learning, future planning, research, and teen literacies.
Check out this infographic to learn more about the member awards and grants FOY funds.
Quick Links
- From corporate sponsorships to local fundraising and more, learn about all the ways you can donate to YALSA.
- Learn more about YALSA's Leadership Endowment.
- Donate by credit card at the ALA Development Office's secure website. (Choose "Divisions," then "YALSA").
- Send a contribution by mail, using the printable mail-in form (PDF). Complete the form and mail it back with your donation to: YALSA, 225 N Michigan Ave, Suite 1300, Chicago, IL 60601.
- For further information, please contact YALSA’s Executive Director at 1.800.545.2433 x4391 or tdillards@ala.org

YALSA Book Finder Database
This database provides access to all of YALSA's annual selected book and media lists, awards, and honorees. These resources are developed by library staff and educators to support the collection development and readers' advisory work of library staff.
These books and media have been selected for teens from 12 to 18 years of age, and span a broad range of reading and maturity levels. We encourage adults to take an active role in helping individual teens choose those books that are the best fit for them and their families.
Quick Links
- Teen Reading Guide for Parents and Caregivers (pdf)
- I Love Libraries: Explore all the ways libraries are so great and how you can support them!
- Educators' Guide to Young Adult Advocacy
- Continuing Education for Educators working with young adults
- Free professional development videos and webinar recordings
- AASL's Best Websites for Teaching and Learning provide information about recommended apps and web sites
- Collections & Content Curation page provides links to additional teen-focused resources

Media Kit and Advertising Opportunities
- YALSA Blog
- YALSA E-News
- The Hub: YALSA's Teen Collections Blog
- Young Adult Library Services
- Young Adult Services Symposium

Transforming Teen Services: A Train the Trainer Approach
YALSA, in partnership with the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies (COSLA), is implementing "Transforming Teen Services: a Train the Trainer Approach" from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021. This effort brings together state library agency (SLA) youth consultants and front-line library staff for a robust training program. In the first year of the project a pilot cohort made up of SLA and front-line staff from AL, ME, MN, RI and WI received training and began facilitating learning for library staff in their states. In year two, 109 more SLA and front-line staff will be trained and they will then train others in their states.
A full list of project participants is available.
This project is supported by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Read the grant proposal (.pdf) and the initial IMLS press release.